Bible Verse of the Day

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Photo Tag

I was tagged by Ginni for the 6th photo in the 6th folder meme. My sixth folder only has four pictures in it, so I'm going to use that 4th picture. So here are the rules:
Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures.

1. Pick the 6th Folder, then select the the 6th picture in that folder.

2. Post that picture on your blog and the story that goes along with the picture.

3. Tag 6 other people that you know or don’t know to do the same thing and leave a comment on their blog or an e-mail letting them know you chose them.

These are the ladies of my accountability group. I haven't been able to meet with them for a long time because my job is downtown and I ride the bus. The group meets on Mondays at lunchtime at the church. It would be a four-hour lunch every Monday if I were to try to join them. I know they still love me because they still invite me to the luncheons and parties. We've lost a few to people moving to different churches and some to changing their birthdays (for their new life in heaven), but we still hold each other accountable on our Walks with Jesus. I believe I'm still the youngest member of the group, but not necessarily the youngest at heart.

I don't know that many bloggers, so if you read this and haven't been tagged, consider yourself tagged. And if you do take the challenge, post a comment here and let me know. I'd like to read about your picture.

And The News Keeps Getting Better

Yesterday I had the followup with my hematologist from the CT scans on Wednesday and the news is very good. All of the emboli that were in the lower portions of my lungs have either dissolved or there are now scars where they were. (It's okay, my lungs are still working fine!) There's still a big blood clot in the left pulmonary artery where it first divides, but they say it appears to be cohesive, which I take to mean it's not going anywhere in a hurry. All of my organs are fine. I saw my pulmonologist, who wasn't able to see me in the hospital that weekend, but was satisfied that my treatment plan was in good shape and that there's nothing to handicap me, so I see him again in three months.

There's still one area of concern, but I'm seeing a specialist on Monday about that. After I know what's going on there, I'll be sure and let you know. But I must stop right here and praise the Lord for good outcomes thus far and thank all you prayer warriors who've been interceding on my behalf. The battle is almost over, I hope, although the war continues.

On Tuesday, the Team Selection Committee met to choose people to be on my team for the Walk To Emmaus. I'm so excited about this. I've already spoken to a few people in person, who've said they would serve. Today I'll be calling the rest. I pray that God will touch the hearts of those who are being called to serve to say yes. I'll probably know by the end of the week who will be on the team. It's a big job, but the rewards are immense.

Happy Valentine's Day to those of you who care about it and have a blessed day for the rest of you whom Valentine's Day is just another day of loving your loved ones.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Thank You, Tammy

Tammy called me this evening to see how I was doing. "No blog updates and I'm not afraid to use the phone."

I'm doing so much better. I feel like I've got all my strength back, but just out of shape. They are still running tests to figure out what caused the blood clots to form. I'm hoping that they are able to figure it out and that's is not something sinister.

I've been back to work for two weeks now, so I'd say things are pretty much back to normal. It's interesting with a scare like this how your family reacts. I think my boys were pretty scared, which I don't blame them. I was a little scared, too, but whenever I asked them to do something, there was no argument or procrastinating. I guess now that I'm better, they'll start taking me for granted again. My husband, who knew everything that was going on, was a little frightened, too, but he's been so supportive and kind. He even got me an early birthday present. He's taking me to see Gordon Lightfoot at the Majestic Theatre, one of San Antonio's most beautiful venues. He's not taking me for granted.

I am still asking for prayers that the source of my illness may be found and that it's not something that can't be easily fixed. My family history, though, makes me concerned. Thank you, my dear readers and friends, for your support through prayers, cards, and phone calls. I love you.

Monday, February 2, 2009

25 Random Things...And an Update

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

1. I'm a fifth generation Texan and still live within 100 miles of the family homestead.
2. I'm BOI (Born on the Island...Galveston Island, that is).
3. I've worked in four different industries doing the same job for the last 21 years.
4. I've been married for 27 years and we just passed the 28th anniversary of when we met.
5. Both of my sons are over 6'2" tall and as far as I know have never hit each other.
6. My worst fear is drowning.
7. I've only been paid to play an instrument twice in my life, but I play or sing almost every week.
8. I used to be an alto, but switched to soprano when most of our church sopranos left. I still consider myself a "switch-singer" (think baseball, folks).
9. We expect to be out of debt by next summer, living like no one else, then we can live like no one else. (Dave Ramsey)
10. I went to three different schools in 2nd grade because my 1st grade education was so bad.
11. I learned to read when I was three or four years old.
12. My parents took us on a three-month vacation when I was seven and so many of my experiences there still inform my life today.
13. I was the spelling champion in my junior high in 7th grade and was 7th in the city of Austin that year.
14. I've been in band since 6th grade and started playing piano in 4th grade. And I still play an instrument as often as I can.
15. I have the most amazing church family. I always have a place to go no matter what's going on.
16. I have the dumbest dog in the world, but he sure is sweet, if needy.
17. My brother and brother-in-law both waited so long to start their families that I am old enough to be my niece's and nephew's grandmother.
18. My mother bought her mother-of-the-bride dress in Greenville, MS and my mother-in-law bought her dress in New Braunfels and the only difference between them was the color. And they wore them to the wedding.
19. I was 19 when I got married.
20. I almost got a pilot's license.
21. I was on a boat that almost sank in the middle of the Mississippi River. If you want to hear the story, just ask me.
22. I was on a boat that went through a tropical depression in the Gulf of Mexico during a sailboat race. If you want to here THAT story, just ask me.
23. Misspellings make me crazy. Especially when I find them printed in books or in a newspaper or some kind of professional writing on-line. I know how to spell most words, so any misspellings you find in here are because I probably fat-fingered the keygoard.
24. Sometimes my friends call me Cliffette Clavin. (Think "Cheers")
25. I love getting mail, but I'm horrible about sending it out. I guess I get what I deserve.

And now for the health update. I'm not afraid, I have faith in God that all thing will work out as He has planned for me. Since they're not sure where the blood clots in my lungs came from (ultrasound of my leg veins and heart were clear), they're going to do a CT scan of my chest, abdomen, and pelvis. I was told by my doctor today that they're looking to make sure there's no cancer, particularly ovarian cancer, which can cause blood clots. She sent me to get a CA125 blood test (I believe it's a test for ovarian cancer) and a mammogram. I was going to schedule it for later this month, but she insisted I get it done today. She is pretty confident there's nothing wrong, but she wants to be sure.

Since I will be leading a Walk to Emmaus this summer, the opposition will be great, or so I've been told. And I believe them because since I accepted the position I have been sicker than I have ever been in my life with pneumonia, blood clots, and now the myriad tests I must go through. If you pray, I am asking for your prayers. Prayers for strength in the face of adversity and prayers for good health so that I can be an effective leader in helping develop leaders for local churches through the Walk to Emmaus.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Queen & Co is Going Green

Take a look at what Queen & Co. has come up with for this year. They now have coordinated bulk embellishments in a single container. They come in different themes, so just pick your theme and off you go. I think that might revolutionize packaging for some of these companies that have more package than product. It's a great idea.

I Survived

Since my last post (you know when I told you about getting pneumonia?) I have had a survival experience. Because of my inactivity during the pneumonia and some hormones I was taking, I developed pulmonary embolisms in both lungs. Those are blood clots. They are life threatening. I had no idea they were there. All I know is that it was hurting more and more to breathe and my doctor told me the day before that if it got worse to go to the emergency room. It got worse.

When DH got home from work on Thursday he took one look at me and the grimace of pain I had trying to move or breathe and he said let's go. They did x-rays and a CT scan and discovered, what one doctor later described, impressive blood clots. I asked him if he was surprised then that I was able to walk into the ER, he said we get about six cases a year like yours and half of them don't walk out. Praise God for miracles!

So I went into the hospital on Thursday evening and got home yesterday afternoon. I'm on blood thinners now for the next six months. This morning I even gave myself an injection. That's only for a few days, but the home health care nurse came by to help get started. One came last night and gave me the injection, but I figured it would be easier on everyone if I could just do it myself.

Some of you knew what was going on and I want to send a special thank you to each of you lovely friends who have been praying for me. Your prayers are being answered and I am most grateful, as are my husband and sons. I will happily pray for your special needs any time you need, also. Although I do pray for my friends regularly anyway.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What's Been Up?

Six weeks. A lot has happened since Thanksgiving. Here's a rundown:

  • My truck was broken into and my external hard drive was stolen, which had all my pictures from the last five years on it.
  • We had 19 people for Thanksgiving dinner at my brother and SIL's home, including DH's family from Pittsburgh. My niece and nephew (not related to each other) got to meet for the first time.
  • Our church choir's Christmas Cantata was absolutely beautiful and we had the help of our choir director's high school choir and orchestra students to really make it spectacular.
  • We had Christmas day at home with just the four of us for the first time. It was the first time in the 27 years we've been married that we didn't have someplace to be on Christmas day.
  • New Year's Eve was totally uneventful, except for the fireworks being exploded on the street behind our house despite the total ban on fireworks in the city and county due to drought.
  • Jan 2 I was diagnosed with pneumonia, so I spent a whole week in bed. I'm still recovering from that.
  • Jericho, one of the cats, got out and got into a fight, which of course resulted in an abscess, which necessitated putting the Elizabethan collar on him, which resulted in him laying on me all week. Normally he'll lay next to me, but I guess that was his way of protesting the collar.
  • I went back to work yesterday and when I got home I was totally exhausted. And Jericho slept on me last night.
I have been trying to get photos to rebuild my library, but every once in a while, I'll see something and remember that I had a similar photo that is now lost. I'll leave you with pictures of my precious niece and nephew from Thanksgiving.