Bible Verse of the Day

Saturday, February 14, 2009

And The News Keeps Getting Better

Yesterday I had the followup with my hematologist from the CT scans on Wednesday and the news is very good. All of the emboli that were in the lower portions of my lungs have either dissolved or there are now scars where they were. (It's okay, my lungs are still working fine!) There's still a big blood clot in the left pulmonary artery where it first divides, but they say it appears to be cohesive, which I take to mean it's not going anywhere in a hurry. All of my organs are fine. I saw my pulmonologist, who wasn't able to see me in the hospital that weekend, but was satisfied that my treatment plan was in good shape and that there's nothing to handicap me, so I see him again in three months.

There's still one area of concern, but I'm seeing a specialist on Monday about that. After I know what's going on there, I'll be sure and let you know. But I must stop right here and praise the Lord for good outcomes thus far and thank all you prayer warriors who've been interceding on my behalf. The battle is almost over, I hope, although the war continues.

On Tuesday, the Team Selection Committee met to choose people to be on my team for the Walk To Emmaus. I'm so excited about this. I've already spoken to a few people in person, who've said they would serve. Today I'll be calling the rest. I pray that God will touch the hearts of those who are being called to serve to say yes. I'll probably know by the end of the week who will be on the team. It's a big job, but the rewards are immense.

Happy Valentine's Day to those of you who care about it and have a blessed day for the rest of you whom Valentine's Day is just another day of loving your loved ones.


Unknown said...

Wonderful news! The Lord is good!

Unknown said...

Wonderful news! The Lord is good!

GinniG said...

WOOHOO!!! I'm sooooo glad God isn't finished with you yet!!! :) I look forward to meeting you and Tammy someday on THIS side of heaven!!! :) I'll call you soon GF. Meanwhile, keep taking care of yourself!