Getting Ready for Fiesta!
Today we sang our Easter cantata at church. It was quite a production. We had a few extra people singing that are either friends of the director or one of his HS students. In addition to being our church choir director, he teaches choir full-time at one of the local high schools. In addition, we had a full miniature orchestra with HS school students and friends of the director. We sang it twice in addition to a three hour rehearsal yesterday.
It was a pretty amazing experience to sing in a group with an orchestra recounting the path that Christ walked on his journey to the cross.
In other news, I'm fine after the bus accident. I was sore for about two days and after a couple of full doses of ibuprofen, I got over that. I already got a letter in the mail from the bus company asking for my statement about the accident. That was in Friday's mail. They're pretty darn fast!
As you may know, I've been making paper flowers to decorate our support carts for the upcoming Fiesta parade my son's high school band will be marching in. As part of chaperoning for the event and walking along in the parade, the chaperones are creating Fiesta hats. I started on mine this evening. Here's what I started with:
One of the mom's ordered these for about $3 apiece. Couldn't pass that up! I started adding flowers in the primary scheme of our school's colors and then started going a little crazy. I hope the giant glue dots I used for the main flowers hang in there for at least a week! Here's what it looks like so far:
The big wad of ribbon on the left side are curling ribbon streamers that will hang down the back. There's almost 75 yards of streamers on the back. And I still have to curl each one of them...sigh. Why do I do this to myself? I ran out of the little white flowers on the brim, so I'll have to make another trip to Hobby Lobby for some more, oh darn! (That's supposed to be dripping with sarcasm :-).
Have a great day and thanks for reading!
Glad you're feeling better and WOWWIE on that hat! Awesome job! Gotta love glue dots! LOL
What a cool hat , great job on it. Would love to see a pic of you wearing it.
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