Picture A Day Challenge for 12/15/07
I was in my first opera this weekend. When I was I child, I had a secret wish to be an opera singer. To this day I'm not sure why because I'm not a big fan of opera music. But I guess my wish finally came true, even if I wasn't really on stage. Our choir director is a graduate student at a nearby university and they put on a travelling show of Amahl and the Night Visitors in several cities as part of the grant they received. They used graduate students and faculty from the university for the main characters and students from the local high school as the shepherds. And since he got our church as the venue for our city, he had the adult choir being part of the shepherds. But we sang from the front pews and not up on stage, so it was a rather round-about way of being in the show!
So as soon as we finished with Amahl we went straight over to DS#2's high school where they were putting on Annie Get Your Gun as their bi-annual show. When DS#1 was there, he played cello for Funny Girl. DS#2 was playing vibes for this show. The only reason I was able to get a picture was that they whole orchestra was on the stage with the actors.
There was quite a bit of difference in the singing between the two shows. Of course one was done by professionals and the other completely by high school students. Both were equally good in their own way.
How fun! Seems like you were culturally rounded yesterday! :) I am glad that you got your wish to be in an opera.
How exciting to be apart of an opera. It sounds like you had a very musical day!
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