Bible Verse of the Day

Friday, December 7, 2007

Picture A Day Challenge for 12/7/07

This picture a day challenge has got me really trying to figure out better ways to use my camera. I've even pulled out the manual to see what the different settings do. That and seeing photographs from a friend's wedding done by an art photographer, I've started experimenting. I also read a little bit at the Confessions of a Pioneer Woman's blog about how she uses her camera and I learned more than anywhere I've looked, yet. When I drive to work, there's not a whole lot to see except the downtown skyline getting closer and it's hard to take pictures while driving, not to mention downright dangerous. So today, when I got to my parking spot right next to the San Antonio River, I snapped a couple of shots and experimented with depth of field. The first one is a distant focus, then a mid-range focus, then a close up. I'm going to remember these for when I start taking photos of other things just to take pictures. I was really inspired by the wedding pictures and know that I have a lot to learn.

I included these pictures because one of my coworkers said he thought they looked cool. And I kind of agree because of the lines of the crepe myrtle trees and the trunks of the cedar elms. But the picture I want to feature today for the challenge is the Hemisphere Tower of the Americas being kissed by the clouds.

1 comment:

Rach said...

Your photos are fantastic and really give a great example of the different focuses. I need to take my camera off auto focus and do some of what you did too.